-Toyota History: “The Machine that Changed the World”
-The 5 Principles and 7 Wastes
-Pen dynamics
-Pull vs. Push system
-Practical results of Lean Application
-Prerequisite for Lean Management
-The 5Ss (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke)
-Thought logic of PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act)
-Tool to present projects, solve problems and report activities
-Tool to identify value in the process
-Information, material and people flow to point out opportunities for improvement
-Information and material flow
-Inventory control
-Focus on the 4 Ms (manpower, material, machine and method)
-Continuous flow production
-Eliminating steps that do not add value
-Executing activities without interruption
-Just in time concept
-Supermarket and kanban
-Stability vs. variability
-Work standard vs. standardized work
-Takt time concept (rate time) and respect to people
-SMED (single minute exchange of die): quick exchange
-SMED faster and better to free time for production
-Make everything visible
-Greater involvement of team members
-Greater availability and reliability of machines
-Focus on preventive vs. corrective maintenance
-When detecting failure, stop production
-Autonomous machines – without supervision
-Just in time material handling
-Enables pull and leveled system
-Reduction of receiving lots
-Visual management in warehousing
-Problems are to be solved
-Implementing kaizen = solve problem
-Steps to troubleshooting/solve problems
-Shop floor workers have problems, help them
-Collaborative group for continuous improvement
-Teamwork and continuous training of members
-Deployment of the strategic plan
-Logic of PDCA thinking for executive management
-Structuring workstation
-Ergonomic layout for productivity enhancement
-Elimination of waste in administrative processes -Optimization of the entire flow of information in the administrative environment to improve communication efficiency in the areas of the company